Spring Camp 2025

Question, explore and experiment your way to a science-packed, wonder-filled Half-Term

Each day, your future scientists will explore a theme that could take them from the microscopic worlds of chemistry and biology, up through the invisible fields of forces and energy, and out to the astronomical realms of planets and stars. Through jaw-dropping demonstrations and mind-blowing experiments, they will get hands-on in a way that will leave them with a thorough, conceptual understanding and a lifelong love for Science.

Kids will be split into similarly-aged groups that will work their way through the day’s activities at a level best suited for their ability. Some will have their curiosity sparked, others will have it nurtured and fuelled, and everyone will have so much fun, they'll never want to leave!

All kids need to bring is a small, healthy, nut-free snack and plenty of curiosity!

Sign up now using the Online Registration Portal below

Please note:

  • All prices are exclusive of VAT

  • Choose “Full Enrollment” if booking for the week and “Casual Enrollment” if booking single days.

  • A Sibling Discount of 10% is automatically applied to the total when signing up two or more children for the week

  • Book before the 17th of March with the code SCEB10 and get an additional 10% off the week

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

February Half-Term Camp 2025

Question, explore and experiment your way to a science-packed, wonder-filled Half-Term

Each day, your future scientists will explore a theme that could take them from the microscopic worlds of chemistry and biology, up through the invisible fields of forces and energy, and out to the astronomical realms of planets and stars. Through jaw-dropping demonstrations and mind-blowing experiments, they will get hands-on in a way that will leave them with a thorough, conceptual understanding and a lifelong love for Science.

Kids will be split into similarly-aged groups that will work their way through the day’s activities at a level best suited for their ability. Some will have their curiosity sparked, others will have it nurtured and fuelled, and everyone will have so much fun, they'll never want to leave!

All kids need to bring is a small, healthy, nut-free snack and plenty of curiosity!

Sign up now using the Online Registration Portal below

Please note:

  • All prices are exclusive of VAT

  • A Sibling Discount of 10% is automatically applied to the total when signing up two or more children for the week

  • Book before the 3rd of February with the code EBFC10 and get an additional 10% off the week

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Winter Camp 2024

Question, explore and experiment your way to a science-packed, wonder-filled winter

Each day, your future scientists will explore a theme that could take them from the microscopic worlds of chemistry and biology, up through the invisible fields of forces and energy, and out to the astronomical realms of planets and stars. Through jaw-dropping demonstrations and mind-blowing experiments, they will get hands-on in a way that will leave them with a thorough, conceptual understanding and a lifelong love for Science.

Kids will be split into similarly-aged groups that will work their way through the day’s activities at a level best suited for their ability. Some will have their curiosity sparked, others will have it nurtured and fuelled, and everyone will have so much fun, they'll never want to leave!

All kids need to bring is a small, healthy, nut-free snack and plenty of curiosity!

Sign up now using the Online Registration Portal below

Please note:

  • Week 2 is only 4 days as we are closed on Christmas Day.

  • Single days can be booked by selecting ‘Casual Enrolment’ when adding the day. The price for this AED 270 for the morning camp and AED 225 for the afternoon camp. (Price is per child per day)

  • A Sibling Discount of 10% is automatically applied to the total when signing up two or more children for the week.

  • All prices are exclusive of VAT.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

October Half-Term Camp 2024

Question, explore and experiment your way to a science-packed, wonder-filled Half-Term

Each day, your future scientists will explore a theme that could take them from the microscopic worlds of chemistry and biology, up through the invisible fields of forces and energy, and out to the astronomical realms of planets and stars. Through jaw-dropping demonstrations and mind-blowing experiments, they will get hands-on in a way that will leave them with a thorough, conceptual understanding and a lifelong love for Science.

Kids will be split into similarly-aged groups that will work their way through the day’s activities at a level best suited for their ability. Some will have their curiosity sparked, others will have it nurtured and fuelled, and everyone will have so much fun, they'll never want to leave!

All kids need to bring is a small, healthy, nut-free snack and plenty of curiosity!

Sign up now using the Online Registration Portal below

Please note:

  • All prices are exclusive of VAT

  • A Sibling Discount of 10% is automatically applied to the total when signing up two or more children for the week

  • Book before the 1st of October with the code EBCA10 and get an additional 10% off the week

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Annual Academic Pass 2024-25

The Annual Academic Pass ensures your child has an enriching educational experience throughout the year while offering you substantial savings in return.

Each term, your child will have full access to one of our engaging, hands-on Modules. On top of a significantly discounted price, the package also includes a few additional perks your child will love.

For the 2024-25 academic year, the Annual Academic Pass includes:

  • Thirty-three sessions across three terms. (See below for a breakdown)

  • One free week of camp. (Can be used any time during the year)

  • One free welcome pack.

You can enjoy all this for AED 4224, saving you a total of AED 2256 over the year.

For homeschoolers able to attend our weekday morning sessions, this package further reduces to AED 3696.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Get in touch to sign up and give your child a full year of science and wonder.

Academic Year Breakdown

Autumn 2024


2nd September to 10th December


Half-term Break (October 19th to the 25th)

National Day (December 2nd & 3rd*)

Number of Sessions


Modules on Offer


Witness how weather's simple principles are unleashed into breathtaking storms.


Explore how human ingenuity has taken us from open savannahs to distant worlds.


Journey across the Periodic Table of Elements by experimenting with ingredients that truly matter.

Winter 2025


6th January 2025 to 21st March 2025


Half-term Break (February 10th to the 14th)

Number of Sessions


Modules on Offer


Step into the shoes of great scientists and relive humanity’s giant leaps in scientific understanding.


Leave the comic books behind and see how electricity and magnetism can give you actual superpowers


Delve deeper into the chemical world and witness how the smallest particles cause the biggest reactions.

sPRING 2025


14th April 2025 to 22nd June 2025


Eid Al Adha (June 5th to the 9th*)

Number of Sessions


Modules on Offer


Set off on a worldwide expedition to explore the science behind our planet’s most extreme wonders.


Discover how nature beat comics to the punch by exploring the science behind the actual superpowers in nature.


Discover the chemistry hiding under our noses, and explore how it makes our lives safer, cleaner and brighter.

*Provisional dates

**Number of classes may change depending on day booked

Summer Camp 2024

Question, explore and experiment your way to a science-packed, wonder-filled spring!

Each day, your future scientists will explore a theme that could take them from the microscopic worlds of chemistry and biology, up through the invisible fields of forces and energy, and out to the astronomical realms of planets and stars. Through jaw-dropping demonstrations and mind-blowing experiments, they will get hands-on in a way that will leave them with a thorough, conceptual understanding and a lifelong love for Science.

Kids will be split into similarly-aged groups that will work their way through the day’s activities at a level best suited for their ability. Some will have their curiosity sparked, others will have it nurtured and fuelled, and everyone will have so much fun, they'll never want to leave!

All kids need to bring is a couple of small, healthy, nut-free snacks and plenty of curiosity!

Spring Camp 2024

Question, explore and experiment your way to a science-packed, wonder-filled spring!

Each day, your future scientists will explore a theme that could take them from the microscopic worlds of chemistry and biology, up through the invisible fields of forces and energy, and out to the astronomical realms of planets and stars. Through jaw-dropping demonstrations and mind-blowing experiments, they will get hands-on in a way that will leave them with a thorough, conceptual understanding and a lifelong love for Science.

Kids will be split into similarly-aged groups that will work their way through the day’s activities at a level best suited for their ability. Some will have their curiosity sparked, others will have it nurtured and fuelled, and everyone will have so much fun, they'll never want to leave!

All kids need to bring is a couple of small, healthy, nut-free snacks and plenty of curiosity!

To sign up, please complete the Camp Booking Form, and we will get back to you with a confirmation shortly.

Please note, Week 2 Morning Session is now full.

February Half-Term Camp 2024

Be a Real-Life Scientist for the Week!

Each day, we cover a new scientific concept typically drawn from the fields of chemistry, physics and engineering, with some biology occasionally sprinkled in there. We introduce this concept through demonstrations and guided experiments to give students some base knowledge of the topic.

We then break for a small snack, after which we set students a challenge that aims to give them a deeper understanding of the day's concept. Whether it is making a chemical reaction more powerful or building a faster jet-propelled car, by giving them the freedom to hypothesise, design tests, manipulate variables and learn from "failures", students get the opportunity to be actual scientists and engineers.

Since we provide everything they will need for this hands-on learning, they will only need to bring a healthy, nut-free snack, some water and heaps of enthusiasm and curiosity.

To sign up, please complete the Camp Booking Form and we will get back to you with a confirmation shortly.